The history of the company NKT goes back to 1891 when engineer H. P. Prior saw the potential in making high quality wire for power distribution and for the newly invented telephone. Since 1891 the company offers customers everything they need for their cable projects.

NKT is a pioneer in the cable industry. With locations in more than 16 countries and manufacturing facilities in Germany, Sweden, Poland, UK, Czech Republic, Norway and Denmark, NKT is a world-leader in cable technology contributing to the fourth industrial revolution and the global transition to renewable energy.

The general theme of the 2023 EUEW Business Convention is Energize Transition with a strong focus on sustainability and circular economy. The global transition to renewable energy is a major focus for NKT and they are giving us a short insight into their vision below.

NKT is a first-time partner of the EUEW Business Convention. Why is it important for NKT to be a part of this major industry event?

Wholesalers are a very important channel for NKT’s Applications Business Line. The convention’s theme of “Energize transition: a key role of the electrical wholesaler” aligns perfectly with NKT’s vision to connect a greener world by delivering power cable solutions essential for the green transformation. NKT believes that Wholesalers, with their market coverage and their value proposition will play a key role in meeting the requirements set by the green transition.

EUEW 2023 is a fundamental platform for NKT to collaborate with wholesalers and develop new opportunities arising from the green transition. There will be challenges and benefits ahead, and events like these can help the industry align and make for a smoother transition.

This year’s general convention theme is “Energize transition: a key role for the electrical wholesalers” focusing on translating the very important role of electrical wholesalers in the energy transition. How is NKT impacted by the acceleration of this process? Why is it important for the company to become more sustainable as more opportunities arise in this sense?

NKT believes that sustainability, electrification, and digitalization are the three megatrends that will have the greatest impact on the power cable market in the coming years. This year’s business convention is an excellent platform for communicating and knowledge-sharing on these megatrends. NKT looks forward to meeting and better understanding our European customers’ challenges, needs and motivations and building strong partnerships and networks supporting EUEW’s and NKT’s strategic agenda.

Wholesalers are a key channel for NKT’s business and we are already engaged with the main wholesalers in Europe on relevant sustainability-related topics. The sponsorship of the EUEW Business Convention 2023 is a confirmation of NKT’s commitment to the wholesaler channel. As the world moves towards green energy, NKT is proud to take center stage with our power cable solutions that are key to a future based on clean and renewable energy.

The first 100 registrations for this year’s convention were received within just one week of opening registrations. EUEW was very pleasantly surprised by the interest the EUEW Convention is gaining in the industry as well as in its wider ecosystem. What do you expect will be the main takeaways for NKT with the participation in this year’s EUEW Business Convention?

The EUEW Business Convention 2023, with its theme of “Energize transition: a key role of the electrical wholesaler”, presents a perfect stage for NKT to support the objectives of sustainable growth for Electrical Wholesalers. NKT looks forward to using the platform to communicate and share knowledge on the industry megatrends and build strong partnerships and networks with the Electrical wholesalers supporting EUEW’s and NKT’s strategic agenda.