Executive Seminar + Panel Discussion
19 November 2021 | 15 h 45 min - 17 h 00 min
Dynamic, digital, data-fueled: responding to distribution disruption
Presented by Ian Heller
Wholesalers around the world – in every industry – are facing an unprecedent number of large-scale trends that threaten to disrupt the industry – including your company. These trends include artificial intelligence, marketplaces like Amazon Business, generational change among customers, additive manufacturing (3D printing) and others. In this keynote, wholesale veteran Ian Heller will describe the new leadership qualities and strategies you must understand and then build and nurture in order to adapt to this fast-changing and dynamic market. A 30-year veteran of wholesale distribution and a popular speaker, writer and consultant, Heller will challenge your paradigms about how to lead effectively and describe what you must do differently to “future proof” your company, starting right now.